速報APP / 商業 / TrueSite Workstation Mobile

TrueSite Workstation Mobile





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



TrueSite Workstation Mobile(圖1)-速報App

Access Simplex® Fire Alarm Network information by connecting to a TrueSite Workstation (TSW) using a Mobile Client:

• Enables any Android mobile device (OS Version 4.0.3+) to become a TSW Mobile Client providing fire alarm network annunciation access with restricted features similar to a PC based Remote Client

TrueSite Workstation Mobile(圖2)-速報App

• Mobile device must be able to access the local area network (LAN) where the TrueSite Workstation server is connected

• Compatible with 3G and 4G cellular service via VPN (virtual private network) connection

TrueSite Workstation Mobile(圖3)-速報App

• Connect an essentially unlimited number of TSW Mobile Clients for simultaneous status information access

• View the TrueSite Workstation status of: Fire Alarm, Priority 2, Supervisory, and Trouble conditions

TrueSite Workstation Mobile(圖4)-速報App

Limited control functions can be accessed by password controlled login and by designated mobile device for system testing:

• For applications where agency listing and approvals are not required, and where operation is permitted by the local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), Civil Defense, or equal; and for qualified and authorized fire responder/life safety site personnel to use during system testing

TrueSite Workstation Mobile(圖5)-速報App

• Non-listed control functions include: Alarm, Priority 2, Supervisory, and Trouble Acknowledge; Alarm Silence, Priority 2 Reset, and System Reset; utility and audio controls

• Mobile control functions provide a convenient and efficient method for authorized personnel to access system information during initial system setup, system commissioning, and subsequent system service activity

TrueSite Workstation Mobile(圖6)-速報App

• With the TSW Mobile Client, the TrueSite Workstation response to system testing is readily available to authorized personnel at the test location without requiring someone at the TSW to respond, and without requiring use of a laptop computer